What Are Backlinks And How To Get Them? – Effective Tactics

Post Reading Time – 11 Minutes

Allow me to start by introducing you to a critical element in search engine optimization – backlinks. But what are backlinks and how to get them?

How To Get Backlinks

Your Post Take-Aways

  • Improving SEO and Credibility: Backlinks signal to search engines that others vouch for your content and this will boost your site’s search rankings.
  • The All Important Quality Content: Creating valuable, informative content encourages others to link to your site naturally.
  • Guest Blogging Option: This will expose your content to a wider audience and will secure authority links back to your site.
  • Using Social Media: Sharing content on social platforms can increase your visibility and encourage shares and links from its users.
  • Posting To Directories: Using these platforms can lead to backlinks when you offer valuable insights and information.

Chris Towers - Affiliate Pro Solutions

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Well, imagine each backlink as an approved thumbs-up from one website to your site. They’re authentic votes of confidence, signalling to search engines like Google that your content holds value for readers.

Do not think of these links as a means to only gaining a higher volume of traffic however, they mean you are also earning trust and credibility online.

Backlinks play a role in how search engines like Google and Bing view your website. There’s a lot of opportunity in obtaining these as they aid in making your site more discoverable.

Think of backlinks as the internet’s way of saying, ‘Hey, look over here, there’s something worth checking out!’ And yes, search engines are listening to this.

Choosing to prioritize backlinks in your SEO strategy can make a big difference to your potential success.

What Is A Backlink - What Are Backlinks And How To Get Them

The Impact of Backlinks on SEO

By now, you know that backlinks are a major player in SEO. But why do search engines give them so much weight?

It’s simple, they are a signal of trust and quality.

Just like a recommendation from a friend, a backlink tells search engines that someone else vouches for your content.

When it comes to organic traffic, it means the visitors who find you through a search without any paid ads – backlinks are your good friends.

Imagine each backlink as a bridge connecting someone else’s audience to your own website. The more bridges you have, the easier it is for traffic to come your way.

Search engines have a knack for keeping secrets, but we do know that backlinks are key factors in their ranking algorithms. Generally speaking, the more high quality backlinks you have, the better your chances to rank higher for relevant searches.

With the right backlinks, search engines can discover your content more swiftly, index it, and present it to users who are searching for information or products like yours.

This is particularly important for new or updated pages that want to climb the ranks quickly.

These backlinks also carry something called ‘PageRank’, named after Google co-founder Larry Page. It’s a value that represents the importance of any given webpage.

Search algorithms then use this value as a factor when determining where your pages should appear in search results.

It’s not all about getting a random backlink here and there however. The search engines are looking for backlinks that make sense, ones that come from relevant sources, with the right anchor text, and that actually contribute to the user experience.

Keep all this in mind, and you’re already on your way to becoming a backlink expert.

What Makes A Good Backlink - What Are Backlinks And How To Get Them

The Anatomy of a Powerful Backlink

You might be thinking that all backlinks are created equal, but in the SEO world, that’s far from the truth. There are internal backlinks that connect pages within your own website, and then there are external backlinks that come from other domains.

It’s the external ones that often get all the glory because they signal to search engines that others vouch for your content.

But it’s not simply about quantity. You could have hundreds of backlinks, but if they’re not the right kind, they might as well be invisible.

So what makes a backlink powerful?

Authority, relevance, the anchor text that’s used, whether it’s a ‘follow’ or a ‘nofollow’ link, its placement on the page, and the destination it leads to, all play very important roles.


Authority is like your website’s reputation. Think of backlinks from high-authority pages as endorsements for your site.

If a prominent website in your field links to your page, their seal of approval can significantly enhance your site’s credibility and search ranking.


Relevance is also key. A backlink’s value skyrockets when it’s placed within content closely related to your niche.

It’s like having an expert in your field saying, ‘Hey, this content is great within our industry.’ Google takes this seriously because it wants to give searchers the most relevant results.

Anchor Text

Anchor text, the clickable words in a hyperlink, shouldn’t be overlooked.

Highly relevant anchor text can boost a backlink’s strength, giving search engines clear signals about the content it’s pointing to.

But beware of over-optimization, it shouldn’t feel forced or unnatural.

Follow & NoFollow Links

Sure, the type of link matters too.

‘Follow’ links, which are the default, tell search engines to consider the link as part of their ranking algorithms. ‘Nofollow’ links, on the other hand, don’t carry that weight but can still be valuable for driving traffic.

Link Position

Lastly, the position of a backlink can’t be ignored.

A link in the middle of a high-quality article is like prime real estate, it’s going to get more attention compared to a link tucked away in a website’s footer.

In the next section, we’re going to talk further about how you can strategically build links that maximize these factors.

Getting those important backlinks won’t just be a dream anymore, you will learn how to make it a reality.

How To Obtain Backlinks - What Are Backlinks And How To Get Them

Strategies to Gain Quality Backlinks

I’m going to shed some light on how you can effectively obtain quality backlinks that could potentially turbocharge your SEO. With the right tactics though, as this about increasing the credibility and authority of your website.

Create engaging, informative, or otherwise valuable content, something I like to call ‘linkable assets.’

Think in-depth guides, original research, infographics, or comprehensive lists that serve your audience’s needs and inspire other content creators to link to your work.

Don’t overlook resource pages.

These curated lists of links are awesome for backlinks. Identify resource pages relevant to your niche, and reach out to the administrators suggesting that your content could provide additional value to their audience.

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Look into broken link building. This involves finding dead links on websites within your field, creating corresponding content on your site, and then informing the webmasters about the switch. You’re helping others while helping yourself.

Have you ever heard of the Skyscraper Technique?

It’s about finding popular content in your niche, creating something even better, and reaching out to those who linked to the original work. This strategy makes use of the success of existing content and elevates it.

If you want an inside track on getting quality mentions, consider HARO (Help A Reporter Out). Connect with journalists and contribute your expert knowledge, with a backlink as part of the deal.

Analyzing your competitors’ backlink profiles can be incredibly educational. Use tools like Semrush or Ahrefs (paid services) to conduct a link gap analysis that can reveal valuable link-building opportunities you might be missing.

Providing testimonials for products or services you’ve used can lead to backlinks from the provider’s website. This method is simple yet effective and adds both social proof and link equity to your site.

Scour the internet for relevant listicles and reach out for inclusion. If your offering fits in, you could snag a backlink from a high-traffic listicle page.

Remember, tools like Google Search Console (free service) and the ones I’ve mentioned earlier are your friends for tracking your backlink progress and adjusting your strategies as needed.

List Of Backlink Building Techniques Overview

  1. Develop High-Quality Content – Create engaging, informative, and valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks. This includes blog posts, infographics, videos, and original research. Quality content encourages other websites to link to your site as a valuable resource.
  2. Guest BloggingWrite and publish articles on other reputable blogs in your niche. This strategy allows you to reach a new audience and include a backlink to your site. Ensure that your guest posts provide value to the readers of the host blog.
  3. Broken Link Building – Identify broken links on other websites within your niche and contact the site owner to suggest replacing the broken link with a relevant link to your website. This method helps webmasters improve their site while you gain a backlink.
  4. Use Social Media – While most social media links are nofollow, they can lead to exposure and natural link building as more people discover and share your content.
  5. Design & Contribute Visuals – Design compelling infographics related to your niche and share them on your blog and social media. Other websites might republish your infographics, linking back to your site as the source.
  6. Participate in Online Forums and Communities – Engage in forums like Reddit, Quora, and niche-specific forums. Provide helpful answers and include links to your content where relevant and allowed. Avoid spamming; focus on providing value.
  7. Collaborate with Influencers and Industry Leaders – Build relationships with influencers and thought leaders in your industry. Collaborations or mentions can result in backlinks from their websites or social media profiles.
  8. Submit to Web Directories – Find reputable and relevant web directories and submit your website. Ensure these directories are well-maintained and not spammy, as high-quality directories can still be a source of backlinks.
  9. Leverage Testimonials and Reviews – Write testimonials for products or services you’ve used, and often, the company will feature your testimonial on their site with a link back to your website.
  10. Create Linkable Assets – Develop resources like comprehensive guides, tools, or studies that serve as go-to resources in your industry. These linkable assets can attract backlinks over time as they become recognized as authoritative sources.
  11. Monitor Competitors’ Backlinks – Use tools to monitor your competitors’ backlinks. Identify where they are getting their links from and explore opportunities where you can also gain backlinks.
  12. Respond to HARO Queries (Help A Reporter Out) – Sign up for HARO and respond to relevant media queries. Providing expert insights can lead to backlinks from news sites and blogs when your input is used in articles.

Each of these strategies requires time and effort and you may not actually use all of them, but they can significantly enhance your website’s backlink profile and SEO performance over time.

Just be aware, the winner every time is creating great content. Do that, and you are well on your way.

Check Your Backlinks - What Are Backlinks And How To Get Them
Use Available Tools To Check Your Backlinks

The Do’s and Don’ts of Backlink Strategy

Alright, let’s wrap this thing up with some straightforward advice on what to use and what to dodge when looking at your backlink strategy.

DO aim for quality over quantity.

A single backlink from a respected site can be worth more than dozens from lesser-known sources.

DON’T fall into the trap of quick fixes like buying links or joining private blog networks (PBNs).

These are red flags for search engines and can harm your site’s credibility.

DO stay consistent and proactive in your efforts to create top-notch content.

This naturally attracts backlinks and enhances your site’s value.

DON’T rely on spammy tactics like unsolicited emails or irrelevant comments on forums and blogs.

These practices can damage your online reputation.

DO use reputable tools for backlink analysis, like Semrush or Ahrefs and Google Search Console.

With these reliable tools you can refine your strategy and monitor your progress.

And remember, I’m here to provide you guidance and support along your SEO journey. If you’ve got questions or need a helping hand with your backlink tactics, feel free to reach out.

Thanks so much for sticking with me to the end. I hope this conversation leaves you feeling more informed and ready to conquer the world of SEO backlinks.

Take a moment to explore the site further and dive into more content that can help you thrive in the world of online business.

Please leave your comments or questions below.

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Just to be open with you – My site includes links that are part of affiliate programs. If you click on these links and buy something, I might get a small commission. There’s no additional cost for you whatsoever. It’s an effortless way to support me in providing high-quality content for you. I hope you are OK with this & thank you for your understanding.

4 thoughts on “What Are Backlinks And How To Get Them? – Effective Tactics”

  1. This was a very interesting article. You’ve done an excellent job breaking down the complex world of SEO into digestible and actionable areas. The analogy of backlinks as a digital thumbs-up is a clever way to simplify a crucial aspect of search engine optimization.

    I have a website with a blog, and I have linked some articles at the end of the read. So now the readers can find other articles with just a click of a button at the end of an article.

    I never used leveraging tools like Semrush or Ahrefs, so I am definitely going to try them out. The cautionary advice on what to embrace and what to avoid in a backlink strategy is crucial. 

    Thanks for sharing your expertise, and I look forward to exploring more content on your site. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hello Chris, 

    Thank you for the detailed information on backlinks and effective strategies to get them. Your breakdown of the impact of backlinks on SEO for gaining quality backlinks provides a comprehensive guide for readers looking to enhance their website’s credibility and visibility.

    In your experience, what has been the most successful strategy for obtaining quality backlinks? To creating more bridges.


    • Hi and thanks for your comment.

      New, revised and awesome content wins the race every time when it comes to getting backlinks. Providing content that is valuable to readers so they will naturally want to link back will benefit you greatly.

      Hope this helps.


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