How To Set Up A Workspace At Home For Your Online Business

Post Reading Time – 9 Minutes

Are you someone who works from home? Maybe you have your own online business? Or maybe you need an office space at home in order to do financing and other tasks where you need your own space? In this post, I’ll share practical tips on how to set up a workspace at home, aiming to increase your productivity and comfort so you have no issues in getting ahead.

To Set Up Your Workspace

Your Post Take-Aways

  • Choosing Ergonomic Furniture: To ensure comfort and reduce the risk of injury as well as enhancing productivity over long periods.
  • Your Natural Light: This will create a well lit workspace and you can supplement this with task lighting where necessary to ease eye strain.
  • Addition of Personal Elements: In order to create a motivating and focused environment that reflects your personality and work needs.
  • Staying Efficient: Keep your workspace organized and free from clutter to improve efficiency. Also use storage solutions and maintain a tidy desk.
  • Considering Your Family: You still need to accommodate family members and their needs when choosing the location and layout of your home office to maintain a balance between work and home life​.

Chris Towers - Affiliate Pro Solutions

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When I started my own online business it was a journey full of challenges, one of which was the lack of a designated work area in my home.

Initially, I did not consider the importance of having a dedicated space for my professional activities. The constant overlap between my personal and work life made it very difficult to concentrate and maintain productivity. Yes, it was frustrating.

As I tried to continue building my business, it became clear that having a personal workspace was not just about these physical boundaries, but I also needed to set up a perimeter that allowed me maximum work performance.

Balancing family time and work commitments is of course important, but to truly get ahead and progress, separating these by setting up a dedicated work area became essential.

My approach to the work from home life changed from that point, and it really led me to more efficiency and job satisfaction.

Now, before we start with your personal home office space, let me be clear, I do not want you to simply go and pick a corner in your home at random, not at all.

You need to select an area which is the most quiet so you have the least amount of distractions.

You want a place where your to-do list gets the attention it deserves, without the chaos of daily life constantly barging in on you.

You may need to look at unconventional spaces and areas with potential. Maybe it’s that cozy place under the stairs, an empty closet waiting for a makeover, or even a corner of your living room.

The important thing here is the clever use of space. As long as it’s got access to plenty of outlets and a strong Wi-Fi signal, you should be fine.

Also, if you’ve got little ones running around or other family members to keep an eye on, choose something that fits in with your daily on goings.

It’s all about finding a balance between visibility, if necessary, and creating an area where you can focus and be productive.

Starting with these considerations can set the foundations for a workspace that feels good and encourages productivity.

Now, let’s talk about decking out your space with the right furniture.

Selecting the Right Furniture - How To Set Up A Workspace At Home

Selecting The Right Furniture

I want to help you make good furniture choices that offer comfort and style for your home office.

You do not need to go out shopping for the latest and trendiest pieces, you simply need to pick furniture designed for long term use that’ll be better for your back and neck.

This means prioritizing an office chair with proper lumbar support and an adjustable desk, possibly one that allows you to switch between sitting and standing.

You might be thinking about your wallet and the cost of this kind of shopping. I totally get it, and I’m going to suggest that you view this as an investment in your productivity rather than just another expense.

Remember, your comfort can directly affect the quality of your work.

Still, don’t worry too much about emptying your bank account. You can always find reasonably priced options or even get creative with some DIY setups.

What you choose will define the work from the relaxing areas in your home.

A good chair that supports a healthy posture and a desk at the correct height will not only boost your productivity but also help in creating a physical boundary between your personal and professional life.

When you sit down in that chair, it won’t just be great for your comfort, it’ll signal to your brain that it’s ‘work time’.

In the end, go for chairs and desks that fit your space and body type.

It’s important to accommodate your physique to avoid cramps, strains, and fatigue.

Now, let’s not forget that while chairs and desks are important, they also need to integrate well with the overall layout and design of your workspace, which leads us into our next section on lighting and desk positioning.

Lighting and Desk Positioning - How To Set Up A Workspace At Home

Lighting and Desk Positioning

Good lighting is very important for your workspace.

Natural light is the best for keeping your energy levels up and maintaining focus, so try to set your desk up near a window.

Remember though, the positioning is important. You want to ensure that your monitor isn’t directly facing the window to avoid any irritating screen glare.

But what if you’re a night owl or your chosen spot lacks a sunny outlook?

That’s when good quality task lighting becomes a good investment. A well placed lamp can fend off eyestrain and keep your workspace bright enough for productivity, without overdoing it.

The placement of your monitor plays a crucial part too. Put it at a height where you don’t need to tilt your head up or down. While comfort is of course important, you also need to prevent neck and eye strain that can sneak up on you over time.

Now, thinking about desk positioning, you need to have a balance by giving yourself a view that doesn’t distract, but also doesn’t leave you staring at a blank wall.

Try to find that nice setup where you have easy access to everything you need, which brings us smoothly to our next point.

Comfort And Efficiency - How To Set Up A Workspace At Home

Comfort and Efficiency

Creating a workspace that’s both comfortable and efficient isn’t just about how good it looks. It is also a good move for increasing your productivity.

Start by drawing clear boundaries between where you relax and where you buckle down to work.

Imagine a psychological barrier, say a divider or a curtain, that tells your brain it’s time to get down to business when you’re within that space.

You want everything you need to be within reach, but not so close that it’s cluttering your space.

I recommend organizing it into three (maybe four) areas for maximum efficiency.

Workspace Area 1

This area is for essentials like your computer and notebook, which you’ll need constantly while you are working.

Workspace Area 2

This is for items like a calculator, tablet, or planner that you dip into several times a day while at your home office.

Workspace Area 3

Think of this area as storage for those once-in-a-while items like extra chargers or reference books.

Workspace Area 4 (Optional)

Depending on the space you have (and of course your budget), having a compact space for video calls and meetings (if needed), equipped with a second monitor, microphone, and note taking tools, keeping your main workspace clear.

Don’t underestimate the power of a personal touch either.

A couple of pictures, maybe a motivational quote, or even a souvenir from your travels can keep your spirits up and those gears turning.

Plus, get a nice plant and an air purifier too. They’re known mood lifters making them a good win for bringing life to your work corner.

So, once you’ve got your areas established and you’ve added a bit of ‘you’ to the mix, let’s talk storage.

Clutter is the enemy of focus, so storage bins, hanging shelves, or drawer organizers are good choices here. They’ll keep everything tidy, with the bonus of freeing up that precious desk space.

If horizontal space is tight, think up. Vertical storage units like wall shelves or bookcases can be a really good choice too.

Once your comfort and efficiency are all fixed up, remember that thoughtful organization doesn’t just concern the space you can see.

Cable management, for instance, might seem like a small detail, but it’s important for maintaining a hazard free zone, especially if you’re sharing your home office with curious little ones or pets.

Not to mention, it’s incredibly satisfying to see all your cords neatly tucked away.

Your Workspace - How To Set Up A Workspace At Home

Your Workspace and Family Needs

Now, you’ve got your workspace in place that’s both practical and has the comfort and well-being elements. This is a must for starting and running your own business from home.

You’ve chosen furniture that cares for your back, made sure cables aren’t a tripwire for chaos, and separated your living and working areas to find that all important work life balance.

Remember the core message here, your home office is a unique reflection of your professional and personal life. The best setup is about creating an environment that really resonates with you and you enjoy making use of.

Just remember, it is important to keep the door open for family considerations. While most of us do not like being disturbed during working hours, always try to find the balance with family. They are important too.

Aim for a setup that increases productivity and wellness today, but stay open to the fact that your best workspace is a work in progress. You can always make changes and additions as you see fit.

Just be sure you have a sense of ease and motivation. After all, this corner of your home is where you’re going to make things happen, grow professionally, and maybe even take your business to new heights.

With a bit of planning and a good amount of effort, you’ve created not just a workspace but a small world where you, and potentially your family members, can thrive in the future.

I hope this has helped you out and please leave any comments below.

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4 thoughts on “How To Set Up A Workspace At Home For Your Online Business”

  1. Hi. 

    If you think about it your work environment has a subconscious effect on you in several ways. First your productivity which is obvious but as well it affects your self image. If it’s dirty and disorganized that says something about what kind of person you are.

    A cluttered and messy space can really drag down our self-image and mood, can’t it? It is all about creating a space that not only boosts our efficiency but also uplifts our well-being.

    Thanks for pointing out that connection.

    • Thanks Jake

      You’re right – the space we work in really does affect us beyond just our productivity. It’s kind of a reflection of who we are and how we see ourselves. A messy desk might say one thing, but a space that’s both organized and personal speaks volumes about valuing ourselves and our well-being.

      Your point’s a great reminder to take a step back and think about what our workspaces are saying about us.

      Really appreciate you bringing this up.


  2. I found your website to be extremely interesting and useful. I personally work from home and realise the importance of an efficient work from home set up, so as to make your online business successful.

    I still have to make some more improvements to my own workstation, especially lighting and sound production for videos.

    Nevertheless I have a starting point from your website as a check list of things that are recommended and can be decided on for your own specific circumstances.

    • Thank you Alan and I appreciate you reading and commenting. I’m happy to hear that you found the information on setting up a home workspace helpful. 

      Improving your lighting and sound production for videos are of course things to consider for enhancing your workstation and I’m glad the details here gave you a solid starting point.

      If there’s anything specific you’re curious about or need a hand with, just let me know.

      Thanks, Chris


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