How To Search For Low Competition Keywords

Topic – Keyword Research

Post Reading Time – 8 Minutes

In this post, I’m going to be talking with you about a concept that might just be the missing piece in your SEO tactics. I’m referring to low-competition keywords. Now, if you’re wondering about how to search for low competition keywords and why you should care, you’re going to find out about their huge potential for your online visibility.

Searching for Low Competition Keywords

Your Post Take-Aways

  • Using Keyword Research Tools: Google Keyword Planner, Jaaxy and SEMrush for niche specific keywords are great tools to use.
  • Making Long Tail Keywords Priority: This will increase your chances to capture more specific, lower competition search queries.
  • Checking on Your Competitors: Do some competitor keyword analysis to find gaps and opportunities for your your content.
  • Monitoring Difficulty Levels: Using SEO tools will allow you to evaluate the difficulty level of keywords. Try to focus on those with high potential but lower competition.
  • Balancing Relevance & Search Volume: This will ensure your content meets user intent and gains visibility​.

Chris Towers - Affiliate Pro Solutions

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Low-competition keywords are the SEO underdogs, often overlooked but packed with potential. They are those exclusive phrases that haven’t been claimed by the heavyweights of the web.

They’re easier to rank for and can give your site the edge it needs in the search engine rankings. It’s about being able to uncover opportunities that others might have missed.

These keywords are not exclusively the long-tail kind i.e the ones that are often lengthy and specific. Sure, those are a big part of it, but the universe of low competition keywords also includes short and middle tail keywords.

When I’m researching keywords, I’m looking for those hidden phrases that offer a foothold without facing an army of competitors.

In my opinion, understanding and seeking out these keywords can make a world of difference for your site.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to adapt your strategy, low-competition keywords can be the key to unlocking an audience that’s eager to find exactly what you offer.

The Importance of Low-Competition Keywords - How To Search For Low Competition Keywords

The Importance of Low-Competition Keywords

Look at it this way, you’re entering a race where you could choose a path crowded with experienced competitors or a less popular road with a few novices (maybe like yourself).

I’m willing to bet you’d eye that open lane because you know it represents a real chance at crossing the finish line ahead. That’s what low-competition keywords offer in the SEO arena – a straightforward path to visibility in the search results.

Attracting a Laser-Focused Audience

By using low-competition you’re taking a precise aim and your content will be able to hit the bullseye with more ease. This approach can funnel a well defined audience directly to your site.

And let’s be honest, when your audience finds exactly what they’re searching for, it’s not just good for them, it’s great for you and your conversion rates right?

Low-Competition Keywords For Google Ads

Low-competition keywords aren’t just powerful tools for SEO, they also work well for Google Ads campaigns.

Imagine getting substantial traffic without burning a hole in your budget because you chose the keywords everyone else overlooked.

That’s playing it smart, and it could be a huge advantage for driving targeted traffic to your site with a lower cost per click.

On saying this, if you are just starting out and your site is new, try to avoid the advertising road until you become more established and you have quality content to offer.

Proven Strategies for Finding Low-Competition Keywords - How To Search For Low Competition Keywords

Strategies for Finding Low-Competition Keywords

I want you to understand the strategies that can reveal those sought after low-competition keywords. It’s one thing to have the best tools, but it’s also about knowing how to use them effectively and where to dig.

You’re going to find out about some clever tactics here that can significantly enhance your keyword game.

Let’s start by tapping into social media platforms like TikTok and Facebook.

Believe it or not, these platforms are overflowing with unique queries and recommendation requests that many overlook. Look through comments, Hashtags, and trending topics for phrases which are relevant within your niche.

Now, how about playing a bit of detective with your competitors’ websites?

Yes you can keep tabs on them, but you can also uncover untapped niche opportunities that they might be missing out on. You can often find hidden keyword strategies by analyzing their content, meta tags, and URLs.

Remember, Google is a search engine and a gold mine for keyword researchers.

Tools such as Google Autocomplete, ‘People Also Ask’, and ‘Related Searches’ sections provide insights into what people search for.

It’s like getting a sneak peek into Google’s huge database to gauge competition and discover opportunities.

Get creative with specific searches, like ‘allintitle’ or ‘allinurl’, to narrow down competition levels even further.

Then there’s the forums, places like Reddit and Quora where real questions thrive.

These platforms are where people often look for answers to their most pressing issues and your low-competition keyword opportunities may be hiding in these discussions.

To streamline your keyword research, consider using tools such as Jaaxy, Keywords Everywhere, Google Ads Keyword Planner, and SE Ranking’s Keyword Tool.

These platforms deliver a wealth of information, from keyword discovery to competition data and help you make well informed decisions.

Don’t forget the power of a good brainstorming session either.

You may also be interested in – How To Find Keywords For A Website

Start with seed keywords and let the ideas flow, expanding your list by exploring related concepts and scrutinizing competitors’ websites using tools like SE Ranking’s Competitor Website Analysis Tool.

In short, use these strategies as a combination of art and science to not just find keywords, but to find the right keywords that can give you an edge in the rankings race.

Understanding Keyword Competition Metrics - How To Search For Low Competition Keywords

Understanding Keyword Competition Metrics

Diving into keyword research isn’t only about amassing a list of potential candidates, but it’s crucial to understand their competition too.

There’s a significant difference between keyword difficulty and keyword competition, and not understanding this can lead you down a frustrating path.

Keyword Difficulty

This primarily pertains to organic search.

It’s a metric that SEO tools use to estimate how hard it would be to rank on the first page of search engine results for a particular keyword.

If you picture each keyword as a mountain, ‘difficulty’ is comparable to the steepness and roughness of the terrain you would need to climb.

Keyword Competition

This on the other hand is more about the paid search context.

It indicates how many advertisers are bidding on a keyword, affecting cost-per-click and your ad’s chances of appearing in prominent positions.

Think of it like trying to secure a spot for your ad on a highly sought-after billboard where more competition means a higher price.

When filtering for low difficulty keywords, it’s not just the number that matters but the reality it represents.

A keyword with low difficulty but with trusted domains ranking on the first search results page might still be challenging to outrank.

As much as domain trust isn’t a precise number you’ll find in a tool, it’s a combination of domain authority, page authority, and the quality of content. These are factors that major search engines hold in high esteem.

Taking all this into account, you’ll want to target keywords that tread the fine line between low difficulty and reasonable domain trust among ranking competitors.

Keywords that meet these criteria are like gold. Although they may not look impressive at first glance, with the right approach, they can offer substantial value for your online presence.

So when you’re vetting potential keywords, don’t just look at figures, consider the broader context. Seek out those with lower domain authority sites on the first page of search results, as this often indicates softer competition.

It’s a strategy I like to use, especially when trying to establish a foothold in a new niche or market.

Your SEO Success with Low Competition Keywords - How To Search For Low Competition Keywords

Your SEO Success with Low-Competition Keywords

You’ve journeyed through the world of low-competition keywords, discovered how to unearth them, and learned the tactics to use them effectively.

That’s no small feat, and I’m confident these strategies will serve as valuable assets in your SEO and Google Ads toolbox.

But remember, the world of online search is ever-evolving, and thriving in it means staying curious and proactive.

I urge you to engage with communities such as the SEO Round Table Facebook Group, where you can exchange knowledge and experiences with fellow adventurers in keyword discovery.

I want to thank you sincerely for sticking around till the end. It’s been great having you here, and I hope you’re going to make headway in your online business with the help of low-competition keywords.

Now’s the moment, take that knowledge and get your online business really rolling!

And remember, while this guide was your starting point, the journey of SEO is one of constant learning and adaptation. Tweak your approach as you move forward, stay agile, and soon, you’ll see your pages climbing the ranks.

Your feedback is incredibly valuable too.

If any of these approaches click with you, or you’re hitting a snag, reach out.

Leave your thoughts and questions down below in the comments.

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4 thoughts on “How To Search For Low Competition Keywords”

  1. The power of targeting the right keyword is pretty amazing because once you rank for that keyword there is the possibility to rank for related search terms.

    Keywords are at the core or are the life and breath of SEO, therefore we must understand how keywords work in relation to SEO.

    Thanks so much for sharing, I have book-marked this article for future reference.

    • Hi Norman

      Absolutely, targeting the right keyword not only opens the door to ranking for that specific term but also sets the stage for your content to appear in related searches.

      This multiplies your visibility and potential traffic significantly. Keywords form the backbone of SEO, acting as the bridge between what people are searching for and the content you provide that meets their needs.

      I’m happy you found the article valuable and have bookmarked it for future reference. Understanding and applying the principles of effective keyword research is a continuous journey, and I’m here to support you along the way. 

      Thank you for your reading and for your commitment to learning more about SEO!



  2. This is a beneficial article as I have improved in searching low-completion keywords, but I still have much to learn.

    Thanks, Chris, for all of these details and insights. Undercovering opportunities in keyword research is a precious skill to develop. Attracting the right audience is so important to an online marketer’s success.

    Checking out social media platforms and competitors’ websites is something that I do not do enough of. 

    I have saved your article for future reference and to share.

    • Thanks Joseph.

      I’m glad to hear that the article was helpful to you! It’s great that you’re seeing improvement in your keyword research skills.

      Indeed, uncovering low-competition keywords is a valuable skill that can significantly impact your online marketing success. Social media trends and competitor analysis can also open up new opportunities which you can put into your strategy.

      Keep exploring and integrating these practices into your routine – they can provide good insights into what your audience is interested in. Sharing knowledge and experiences is what makes the online marketing community so enriching.

      Keep up the great work, and thank you for considering the article valuable enough to save and share!



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